“Association Initiative for Development – Kardjali decides” is a member of National Network for Children since 2009. The association works in the field of education and social activities. It works with children and youth, including vulnerable groups, and for increasing the capacity of the civil sector.
Rositsa Sredkova is the Chairman of the Board of association and represents the organization in NNC. She has 20 years of experience in the non-governmental sector. Participates in: planning public activities and public forums; developing a Regional Strategy for Roma Integration; preparation of the analysis and the Strategy for development of social services in the municipality of Kardjali. She is a member of the team for development of the District Strategy for Development of Social Services and the team for development of the District Strategy for Personal Development of Children and Students in Kardjali District.
Rositsa is also a member of the Municipal Council for Youth Affairs, the Regional Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues, the Public Council for Social Services and the Municipal Council for Narcotic Substances.
She was a member of the Control Board of the NNC (2013-2015) and regional coordinator for the Southeast Central Region (2015-2017).
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