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Legal Aid Network

Since 2020, the National Network for Children has been developing its Legal Aid Network, in which lawyers, human rights defenders and civil activists from all over Bulgaria volunteer.

On a daily basis, the Legal Aid Network supports all of the advocacy causes of the CND through: opinions on draft laws; research, analysis of legislation and case law; participation in working groups and communities of experts; training; coordination of projects and initiatives related to human rights and the rule of law; hosting the unique legal discussion forum LexTalks; and legal representation in so-called strategic cases aimed at changing case law, legislation and policies.

In addition, thanks to the support of the “Lachezar Tsotzorkov” Foundation under the project “Legal Aid Network – Support for Organizations and Citizens”, LAF offers free legal assistance to NGOs and citizens in cases concerning children’s rights.

If you have a query relating to the rights and best interests of a child, their legal options in various procedures and proceedings, etc., or a report of a child at risk – please do not hesitate to write to the Legal Aid Network Coordinator at: [email protected], with a copy to [email protected].

The objectives of the Legal Aid Network are:

1) improving the protection of children's rights;
2) advocacy on improving the legal framework that protects children's rights;
3) raising legal awareness on children's rights.

The aim of the network is to influence children's access to justice in all locations in the country. The network will help them to share their experiences and help each other on how to better represent children before state authorities. Moreover, it will also allow exchanges between professionals themselves: for example, it is useful for lawyers in small towns to hear good practices from the work of those in large towns; for family law lawyers to hear good practices from the work of criminal law lawyers.

The Legal Aid Network will provide an opportunity to bring together colleagues specialising in the same field, discuss similar work issues and share successes, providing inspiration and motivation. Participating in a community of lawyers who advocate for children's rights every day also contributes to supporting the professionals themselves who are faced with difficult children's cases and inefficiencies in the justice system.
Recruitment value: the network will facilitate referral of clients to an appropriate lawyer. Contact between members increases the volume of work through mutual referral and recommendation.

Lawyers-members of the network receive up-to-date information on the latest normative documents and case law related to children's rights. The network will act as a training forum for lawyers in this field.

The Legal Aid Network was born as an idea at the end of 2019 and is already actively functioning. Its lawyers provide advice on specific cases of children, coordinate opinions in relation to legislative proposals concerning children in Bulgaria, prepare studies and share experience and information. We are also pleased to announce that the network is working on its first strategic case. Recently, the network has been open to lawyers with interest and experience in children's rights issues and is accepting applications for membership, so we would be delighted if you decide to join our initiative!

The structure of the Legal Aid Network consists of:

Legal Aid Network Advisory Board, which includes key lawyers and legal practitioners in the field of child and human rights and civil society development, Legal Aid Network Coordinator and Legal Aid Network Consultant.

We believe that the establishment and strengthening of the Legal Aid Network of the NMA, which consists of lawyers with competence and interest in the field of children's rights, will develop advocacy policies in favour of children's rights in Bulgaria.

Only lawyers and legal practitioners with at least 3 years of professional experience in the field of child protection and child justice can be accepted as members of the Network.
Membership of the Network is voluntary and applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • proven competence and a minimum of 3 years' experience as a lawyer or in-house counsel or
  • international cases in providing legal assistance to children;
  • an excellent professional reputation, good standing and an impeccable reputation in the community;
  • a minimum of three (3) recommendations from independent experts working in the field of child protection.

The applicant shall submit a Membership Application Form in the form provided to the Advisory Board of the Legal Aid Network of the NMD, in which he/she declares that he/she is familiar with and accepts the provisions of these Rules and indicates the circumstances relevant to his/her membership, justifying compliance with the above criteria.

Candidates will be accepted by the Advisory Board by decision of the Advisory Board within one month of receipt of the form and a follow-up interview with the candidate.
The Advisory Board may accept as honorary members of the Network professionals with an established name in the field of legal protection and advocacy of children's rights who are sympathetic to the goals of the Association.

Members of the Legal Aid Network
Currently, the Legal Aid Network of the NMA brings together 32 lawyers and human rights defenders, including: