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Golden Apple Awards

A round of applause for the kids’ georgettes!

The Golden Apple Awards recognise individuals, organisations, institutions and companies for their contribution to the protection of children’s rights and well-being. It is our way of promoting the need for special attention to every child and giving visibility to best practices in all areas of children’s lives.

Statuettes are awarded in the categories of Children’s Hero, Children’s Organization, School and Kindergarten, Journalist, Hospital, Municipality and Charity, and from 2023 we also recognize the role of business – for Corporate Partnership – Financial Contribution and Corporate Partnership – Public Contribution.

Nominations are submitted and voted on by the general public. The nomination that receives the most votes from the online voting receives two extra points towards the jury’s score. The exceptions are the Children’s Hero and Children’s Organisation categories, which are selected entirely by online public vote without jury intervention. During the ceremony, the National Network for Children traditionally presents a Special Award and a Lifetime Achievement Award. For these, nominations and voting are done entirely by the members of the Network’s Board of Directors.

We’re shining the spotlight on children’s heroes since 2010 on the eve of Children’s Day – 1 June. Check out all the great advocates for children on the Golden Apple website –