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How do I become a member?

  • FULL membership: Membership in the National Network for Children is voluntary! If you are a non-profit legal entity that works for children and have been registered for more than three years, you can become a full member of the National Network for Children.
  • ASSOCIATED membership: If you have been registered for less than 3 years, or your main work is not related to children, but you still want to join the Network, you can become an associate member.

New members are accepted by decision of the Management Board, after submitting the required set of documents.

Required documents for membership in the Network (sent for both types of membership):

  • Filled application for membership;
  • Filled membership form for the applicant organization;
  • Decision of the competent body of the organization for membership;
  • Copy of the Statute of the organization with the signature and seal of the organization;
  • Copy of a court decision with a “true to the original” stamp;
  • Copy of the organization’s BULSTAT with a “true to the original” stamp.

Please send scanned copies of the documents to [email protected].

Full and associate members pay membership fees to the Association based on the annual turnover of the member organization.

Membership in the National Network for Children is voluntary! If you are an individual who wants to be part of a Network of organizations and like-minded people working in support of children and families and advocating for:

  • The rights and well-being of children.
  • Bulgaria to become a better place for children to live and develop.
  • Families to be more peaceful and supported in caring for their children.
  • Parents to realize their role as advocates for children's rights.

You can apply for individual membership in the National Network for Children and contribute your experience, expertise, civic engagement and skills to the activities and development of the Network, so that the children of Bulgaria are in the focus of all policies.

Individual members are accepted by decision of the Board of Directors, after submitting the required set of documents in accordance with the criteria and procedures for admission to members of the network:

  • Filled Membership Application
  • Recommendation from a member organization of the NMD;
  • Criminal record certificate;
  • Professional CV of the candidate for individual membership in the NMD;
  • Signed declaration by the candidate that he/she accepts the Code of Ethics, Child Protection Policy and the Statute of the National Network for Children;

Send the scanned documents – declaration, recommendation, criminal record certificate and CV, to [email protected]

Individual members pay a membership fee to the Association in the amount of 60 leva per year or 5.00 leva per month for each calendar year.

Honorary members of the National Network for Children are individuals who have made a significant contribution to ensuring children's well-being, respecting and promoting children's rights. Honorary membership is determined and voted on by the General Assembly of the Association.