The new team of the “Children as Researchers” Programme participated in a training held in Sofia (24-25.09). The initiative is in partnership with Eurochild. The young researchers will explore 6 topics between October 2022 and July 2023. They decided to work on education; ecology, financial literacy, social networks and juvenile justice. The representatives of 4 organizations who will support the work of the young people joined the training: “Initiative for Development Association – Kardzhali Decides”; The Organization of Bulgarian Scouts”; “Health and Social Development” Foundation and the “National Association of Resource Teachers”. The training was facilitated by Kristina Nenova /Child and youth participation coordinator at the National network for children/ and Alexander Ivanov / student at Vienna University of Technology.
Young people immersed themselves in different research methods, discussed their strengths and weaknesses, as well as ethical principles of work. They were able to familiarize themselves with the “content analysis” method. As a result of the training young people were able to formulate their first research questions. They will continue working on them in October.
Particular attention has been given to the presentation of the results and the opportunity provided to the young people to create media content – to write articles and participate in the first youth podcast of the NNC. The results of the interviews with peers will be included in the NNC monitoring report – Notebook 2022: What is the average success of the state in child care?