Welcome to the website of the National Network for Children!
National Network for Children is an association of over 130 civic organizations and like-minded people working with and for children and families across the country.
Promoting, protecting and respecting children’s rights are part of the key principles that unite us. We believe that all policies and practices that directly or indirectly affect children should be designed, implemented and monitored taking into account the principle of the best interests of children and with the active participation of children and young people themselves.
Your donations can be sent to:
Unicredit Bulbank,
IBAN: BG23UNCR70001521150552,
Reason for payment:
Donation to “National Children’s Network”
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In the general conditions, “this website” refers to the website of the National Network for Children.
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The information and personal data that you provide on the National Network for Children‘s Website is not public and will not be disclosed to third parties, except in the cases provided by law or when this is necessary to carry out the activities you have requested. The National Network for Children guarantees that your name and address will not be sold, exchanged or rented, they will only be used for correspondence and we will maintain them in complete confidentiality.
Your personal data is collected only for the purposes specified by law and is processed as required by law.
By publishing your personal data in any of the sections of The National Network for Children Website, you declare that:
- you provide your personal data voluntarily and of your own free will;
- you give your consent for the personal data you provide to be stored, processed and provided by The National Network for Children in accordance with these terms and conditions and the provisions of Bulgarian law;
- you give your consent to us sending you communications about the activities of The National Network for Children, including the campaigns we organise.
Financial information about users of the online donation service does not go into the National Network for Children database, but is passed directly to the relevant online payment systems.
The National Network for Children may make changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use and the limitations of liability set out above. By accessing this website, you accept the Terms and conditions, as well as the disclaimer currently in effect. You are required to comply with all such changes and amendments, and you should therefore visit this Website periodically to review the then-current Terms and Conditions of Use.
National Network for Children may change the format and content of the Website at any time.
National Network for Children may suspend the operation of this Website at any time for the purpose of renewing the content or for any other reason.
National Network for Children reserves the right to terminate access to this Website at any time without notice.
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Any disputes, controversies or claims arising out of these Terms and Conditions – unless resolved amicably within sixty (60) days after receipt of either Party’s request to resolve the dispute amicably – shall be referred by each Party to arbitration in accordance with applicable provisions of Bulgarian law.