Bulgaria is before last in the field of health care for 2011 according to the European Health Consumer Index. Our country is at 73-th place of 145 states for the most healthy nations in the world according to data of the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the World Bank.
In line with these facts, the National Network for Children salutes the comprehensive project of National health strategy and the proposed major national objectives to reduce 5 morbidity and death age rates up to 2020 but would like to make some recommendations and complements.
In order to reduce the child mortality the statement advises to create an analyzing monthly data mechanism, to develop action plans by regions and to launch innovative projects to decrease the negative tendencies. It also recommends the development of medical social services for women in risk social groups and mobile social health services in the regions where the number of physicians is insufficient and there are unoccupied medical practices.
The National Network for Children also offers a complete health care for new born babies and their families, including services for prevention and early intervention as well as introduction of comprehensive mental health programs for children.
Other recommendations are related to the development of higher number of Centers for mother and child’s health, a higher number of active and trained health mediators in the Roma communities and improved access to health care services for children and families from the marginal communities.
The National Network propounds the construction of Children multi profile hospital in Sofia and a regional health policy, based on arguments.
September 20th, 2013
National Network For Children
Photo: silenbg.com