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Millennium Development Goal – to reduce child mortality

On 20th June, the world looks to Brazil, where the Summit Rio + 20 started.
20 years ago the Millennium Development Goals were given. One of the most important was the reduction of child mortality worldwide.

Child mortality worldwide
According to the Millennium goal in the period 1990-2015 year, the world must achieve a reduction by two thirds of the mortality rate among children under age 5. Black statistics shows that in countries with low GDP per capita, one in ten children dies before reaching the age of 5. In richer countries, this number is one in 143 children.
There has been some progress, but we cannot say that it is sufficient, when  in developing countries instead of 100 deaths per 1,000 live births in the 1990, the reduction was only to 72 cases per 1,000.
Globally, the total number of deaths of children under 5 years fell from 12.5 million in 1990 to 8.8 million in 2008 or in 2008 every day 10,000 children less are dying.

Bulgarian target for tackling with child mortality
Bulgaria has committed to halve child mortality, affecting children from 0 to 5 years old, by the year of 2015 compared to 1990.
Data for Bulgaria shows that in 2010 mortality rate among children under 5 years old age was 11.1 per 1,000 live births, child mortality is 9.4 per 1,000 live births, perinatal child mortality rate – 8.7 per 1,000 births, and the proportion of births with low birth weight children was 8.7%. When compared with indicators of EU it is ascertained that the rates for the 4 indexes are almost twice higher.

Photo: flickr/Katelyn-Kenderdine

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