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“Promoting the rights of children in alternative care across Europe”

Date: 24-26 October 2012

Venue: Princess Hotel, Sofia, Bulgaria

Co-host: National Network for Children (Eurochild member)


Children growing up in care or at risk of being taken into care are among the most vulnerable in Europe. Whilst no consistent data exists across Europe, the number of children concerned is significant, probably well over 1½ million.

Eurochild – a European network of organisations promoting the rights and welfare of children in Europe – takes the opportunity of its 9th annual conference to look at how the rights of these children can be best protected and promoted. At a time of unprecedented strain on public finances – and on the child protection system – how can we ensure the best interest of the child is at the heart of all decision-making regarding children’s care?

We will bring the child rights perspective to highly relevant issues including:

  • the closing down of institutions;
  • preventing child abandonment and care placement of under 3s;
  • working with the biological families of children in care;
  • support for children with disabilities and their families; and
  • the transition to adulthood for children leaving care.

Our aim is to share experience of what is working across Europe to build a positive force for changing practice and bringing about policy reform.

The event is targeted at practitioners, academics and policy makers and will combine plenary sessions with workshops and study visits in and around Sofia. A group of children and young people with experience in the care system willaccompany the event and bring their unique perspective into the debate.


We do offer a webstream to follow the plenary sessions online from across the world.

Join us in Sofia and leave comments using Facebook:


The concept of our Annual Conferences is based on several pillars:

  • plenaries,
  • workshops,
  • study visits and
  • exchange of good practice.

This year’s highlights will be:

  • the reception with the President of Bulgaria and European Ambassadors,
  • a variety of study visits paired with comparative practice from across Europe,
  • the Forum of Good Practice with exhibition space and speakers corners.

Find the detailed programme: here for online reading and here for download

Post-conference programme: some activities are foreseen for Friday evening and Saturday. Find more information with the room reservation below (organised by CIM).


Registration fees

Eurochild members/contributors 160 €

Non-members 200 €

Special rate for Bulgarian delegates: 50 €

Registration is closed. Contact: [email protected]

Everyone except Key Note Speakers & Workshop Facilitators are required to pay the registration fee.


Sponsorship policy

Deadline to apply for sponsorship was 19 August 2012. Click here to read more information..



Please click here for general information on accommodation and to reserve a room (managed by event organiser CIM). This is also where you can book post-conference activities like an extra Sofia City Tour, Folk Style dinner or a trip to Rila Monastery.



Monique Kesteloot, Office and Event Manager at Eurochild, [email protected] or +32 (0)2 511 70 83

Note: Eurochild’s Annual Conference will follow the 2012 IFCO European Conference from 21-24 October 2012 (same hotel in Sofia)


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