On 24th and 25th of January the National Network for Children started one of the first three National Eurochild Forums in Europe, here in Bulgaria. Eighteen young people from nine different regions (NEF`s Rapporteurs), covering the whole country, and eight supporting adults took part in the meeting to launch the new body.
During the meeting the children got involved with the work of Eurochild and their participation strategy. The group discussed why children`s rights are important and who is responsible for their observance.
The meeting also addressed the question why National Eurochild Forums and Eurochild Childrens’ Council (ECC) exist and what is the link between them. Bulgaria’s representative in the ECC shared his experience and described the tasks the ECC group is working on so far.
Children were also encouraged to suggest topics and problem they would like to work on in the future. For example, the first topic the NEF in Bulgaria is interested to ask other children is about education and its overlaps with social exclusion and poverty.
Another part of the meeting was devoted to making plans and sharing roles and responsibilities. The group exercised the “Monthly Method” of reporting on different matters concerning children through a simulation by discussing the Eurochild Strategy as an actual topic for the exercise.
Throughout the two days the Rapporteurs seemed like they’re having a lot of fun getting to know each other more and grasping their future tasks.