We, the National Children’s Network, express our deep sympathy for the pain experienced by the families and children affected by the tragedy at the school in Belgrade.
We are publishing the full translation of the text from the Network of Child Organizations in Serbia (Mreža organizacija za decu Srbije – MODS) regarding the shooting at the elementary school. We join their appeal to the institutions.
Our institutions should recognize the similar situation we have in Bulgarian schools through MODS’ appeal and not remain indifferent.
Because no school should become a place of events followed by a three-day mourning.
Statement from MODS regarding the shooting at the elementary school in Belgrade
The Network of Child Organizations in Serbia expresses great sadness and concern over the recent shooting at an elementary school in Belgrade. We sincerely sympathize with the families and children who have experienced this tragic event.
To prevent similar tragedies in the future, we call upon the government of the Republic of Serbia and the relevant ministry to take swift and comprehensive measures to improve the safety of children in our schools. This includes increasing the number of school psychologists, educators, and social workers to support students and teachers, while enhancing cooperation with parents for a proactive response to warning signs of potential violence. We also urge parents to be responsible and ensure that firearms are kept out of reach of children.
We believe it is crucial to support children who have experienced trauma. Therefore, we call for the provision of psychological support to children and school staff to help them overcome the shock and trauma following this tragic event. Additionally, we urge the media to respect the rights of children and refrain from publishing information that may jeopardize their privacy or otherwise violate the rights of traumatized children. Children who have experienced such traumatic events deserve the right to privacy and support, so we kindly request the media to act responsibly when reporting on this incident. It is important to focus on prevention and support measures to reduce the risk of similar incidents in the future, rather than seeking sensationalism or inappropriate coverage.
The Network of Child Organizations remains committed to supporting the safety, well-being, and rights of every child in Serbia. We must work together to create a safer and more supportive environment for children in our schools and communities.
The original message is available on the MODS website here.
We mourn together with the children and families of Serbia. National Children’s Network