Eurochild produced a training toolkit on request for the Council of Europe to engage children in advocacy work. It is aimed to engage children in decision-making processes with governments and civil society.
The toolkit includes tools and methods to empower children to contribute to change in public decision-making. This change will lead to the engagement of more children from diverse backgrounds.
The toolkit is intended to be used by NGOs working with children and young people, including Eurochild members, as well as government officials at national, regional and local level, who want to engage with children and young people.
In particular government officials in charge of the implementation of the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child in the context of its Mid-Term evaluation by the Ad Hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child – CAHENF.
The Council of Europe will encourage government representatives to use this toolkit in supporting children to advocate for the implementation of the Council of Europe Strategy on the Rights of the Child.
It will be presented at the CAHENF meeting from 21-23 March in Strasbourg.