The social benefits for second and third child will increase, in order to encourage births, Ivailo Kalfin, Minister of Labor and Social Policy announced this weekend, informed the newspaper “Sega”.
This will happen with amendments to the Law for Family Child Benefits. It is foreseen the social benefits for one child to become 30 BGN, for second – 80 BGN and the parents of 3 children will receive 130 BGN. For every next child 20 BGN will be given, so a family with 4 kids will obtain 150 BGN. At the moment the sum for 1 child is 35 BGN, for 2 – 50 BGN and for every next is 35 BGN. This week the amendments will be uploaded on Social Ministry’s website for public discussion.
The government will also take measures against early births. The “children give birth to children” practice should fall away, Ivailo Kalfin unconditionally declared. For this purpose we will count on the health mediators. It is also foreseen the parents of minor mothers to not receive benefits for children. This will be achieved with amendments of the Law for Family Child Benefits. Currently both the minor mother and its mother could obtain benefits for children.
The National Network for Children defends the position that the deprivation of certain groups of the population will not lead to effective and stable results and on the contrary is an act of discrimination. Profound analysis of the phenomenon “children give birth to children” is necessary. The proposed amendments also contradicts to the UN Convention of the rights of the child and the EU Fundamental Rights Charter, to which Bulgaria is party. The efforts should be directed to the implementation of health and sexual education in schools.
The benefit for children of mothers who are university students will be divided in 2 parts and the second one will be received after the presentation of a note for certified semester. This aims to put an end to abuses, when pregnant mothers enroll at university on the purpose to get the money and they never go back to the bench. At the moment mother students get the amount of 2 800 BGN at once.
Photo: flickr/keoni Cabral