The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) works closely with Member States to produce a wide range of core indicators covering all levels of education. These data address key policy issues to track progress, improve decisionmaking and ensure transparency and accountability.
The UIS is also working with countries and statistical partners to coordinate a new generation of internationally-comparable indicators to monitor the Education 2030 Agenda. This education data release includes several new indicators, identified in consensus by an international group of experts, which are now included in the official list of indicators to monitor SDG 4.
These indicators respond to the education and learning targets, including Target 4.1, which focuses on providing complete, free and equitable access to quality primary and secondary education, leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.
The update includes key SDG indicators, such as completion rates and the percentage of adults participating in formal adult education, which respectively provide insights into the progression of children through schooling and the acquisition of educational qualifications and lifelong learning opportunities.
Moreover, this release also includes for the first time data on tertiary education students and graduates based on the ISCED Fields of Education and Training 2013 (ISCED-F 2013).
The current data release covers 2015 or more recent data for 116 countries on enrolment, teachers and related indicators for pre-primary, primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education. At the tertiary level, 2015 or more recent data are available for 81 countries.
Education finance indicators, released annually, have been updated using the most recent economic data from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Data for 36 countries are now available for the 2015 financial year.
The UIS will publish 2015 reference data, including regional and global averages and totals, in May 2017.
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