National Network for Children continues the “Parliamentary Group for Children” initiative. The invitation to join the supra-party union is open to candidates for the 48th National Assembly who are ready to protect the rights of children.
The initiative expresses the public need for clear goals and priorities in children’s policies and has the idea of consolidating all parties and coalitions in favor of children.
The campaign will help future MPs to become familiar with the main problems related to children and with possible solutions.
According to the Human Capital Index of the World Bank, a child born now in Bulgaria will develop only 61% of its potential as an adult, if it completes the full cycle of education and receives full access to health care. That is why a vision and strategy are needed, tailored to the challenges and deficits in children’s policies in our country and to the requirements of the European Union.
During the elections for the 45th, 46th and 47th National Assembly, more than 200 politicians from seven political forces joined the informal union. They all signed the Declaration “Protector of Children”, with which they committed to work on the main problems in the areas of health, education, poverty and social exclusion, justice.
“No policy is good if it is not good for children. The welfare of every child in Bulgaria is a cross-party issue and should be a cause and priority for every parliament and every government. There are a number of issues, many of which have been unresolved for years – child poverty, juvenile justice, pediatric care, kindergartens, and more. That is why we invite the candidates for people’s representatives to make the most important commitment – to work for the children in Bulgaria”, said Georgi Bogdanov, executive director of National Network for Children.