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NNC Launched Project “Better Networking For Welfare Of Children” On June 1st, 2013

The National Network for Children launched on June 1st, 2013, the project “Better networking for the welfare of children” under the OP “Development of Human Resources”, procedure BG051PO001-7.0.07 Without Borders and co-financed by ESF of EU.

The main objective of the project is to contribute and encourage the early childhood development and education through transnational exchange of experience and know-how of innovative and alternative services preventing school dropout. The European network Eurochild is project’s partner and the Bulgarian Ministry of education, youth and science is an associated partner.

An analysis will be completed in the next 18 months of the existing good practices in Bulgaria for providing services in the field of early child development and education and overview of the legal framework. The aim is to define the problematic fields and to identify the necessity of application of innovative and alternative services in the sphere of early years education/ early childhood development. On this basis will be chosen 3 best practices with elements of innovation and possibility for adaptation.

The representatives of the National Network for Children’s members will have the possibility to visit at place these practices and to get acquainted with the mechanism of their application during the project implementation.

Photo: flickr/scui3asteveo

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