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National Network for Children Supports The Development of a National Health Card

On April 7, 2014, the National Network for Children sent its position to the Minister of Health, Dr. Tanya Andreeva, on the draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Health Insurance.

The National Network for Children supports a national health card and electronic health records, and the idea of accreditation of hospitals. It is necessary that the National Health Card be implemented after a thorough analysis of the incidence of specific pathologies in certain areas. The NGO proposes the creation of a strategy for retention of medical professionals and increasing their work-place motivation.

The network of civil society organizations working to improve the lives and welfare of Bulgarian children and families believes that improving the access to and quality of health care services should be the highest priority on the agenda of the Ministry of Health and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria. The best interests of children, especially children who need treatment and/or rehabilitation, should be foremost in the drafting of legal documents.

The NNC also recommends the formation of a vision for improving the model of health insurance in Bulgaria.

To solve the problem of health insurance and the huge number of people who have dropped out of the system or are not included in it for various reasons, urgent action needs to be taken to build a shared vision of what health care is needed. We want Bulgaria to have such a model of health insurance.

The network of civil society organizations does not support the introduction of limits on the amount of medical activities that will be paid for by the National Health Fund.

The NNC remains available as a reliable and predictable partner in efforts to improve the health care system and ensure access for all groups of citizens to quality inpatient and outpatient care.

Trasnlator: Morgan James, volunteer



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