The annual meeting of the European network for child rights protection Eurochild was held between April 22 and 24th 2015 in Brussels. During the event National Network for Children was represented by Georgi Bogdanov, Executive Director and Dilyana Slavkova, Policy Coordinator “Family” and “Juvenile Justice”.
Dozens of organizations, working to ensure best interest of children and their families debated the direction of their joint efforts to advocate on European level to improve children’s life.
Besides its contribution to participate in the development of Eurochild’s long-term strategy, the National Network for Children displayed its vision for the next steps of “Opening Doors for Europe’s Children” campaign, second stage of which will start in the beginning of 2016. The initiative aims to reform the institutional care for children in Europe.
Main topic of the discussions was the need to develop more dynamic partnerships with other organizations, working to protect child rights such as the European Network of Ombudspersons for Children and the Council of Europe. Representatives of Eurochild different thematic working groups of discussed ways to raise their effectiveness and to stimulate higher member activity.
In the last day of the meeting Eurochild members launched a common position, calling European institutions and national governments to make sustainable efforts to balance between their economic and social goals. The Secretariat of the organization also presented it new visual identity, which encompasses Eurochild member variety and the aim to build a society in which children grow healthy, happy, confident and respected as individuals.
Eurochild’s Annual Report 2014