Children’s health strategy should be subject to wide public debate, politicians from leading political parties have agreed
A political discussion on the topic “What does it mean for children’s health to be a national priority?” brought together representatives of various political parties from the 48th National Assembly.
Dr. Alexander Simidchiev and Associate Professor Vasil Pandov from We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria coalition, Denitsa Sacheva and Prof. Kostadin Angelov from GERB-SDS coalition and Prof. Georgi Mihailov, Bulgarian Socialist Party, discussed the priorities and problems in children’s health care.
Organizers of the event, which took place on February 28, were the Bulgarian Pediatric Association, the National Civil Initiative “For a Real Children’s Hospital” and National Network for Children. The presenter was the journalist Irina Nedeva.
“The problems in children’s healthcare are many, and we all know them all too well. Now the important thing is what we will do to resolve them,” said Prof. Ivan Litvinenko, chairman of the Bulgarian Pediatric Association, at the opening of the discussion.
“The reason we are organizing today’s discussion is to look for answers on how – how Bulgaria should not be in one of the first places in the EU in terms of child mortality, how the focus should be on prevention and public health, and not on hospital care, and how political parties can unite around decision-making with the first criterion – the best interest of the child,” added Maria Brestnička from National Network for Children.
Children’s health should be a national priority and an object of consensus between the various political parties – all the participants in the discussion were united around this.