“Suffering from asthma” Foundation- Yambol
“Suffering from asthma” foundation
operates for the benefit of the community, and the purposes of the foundation are:
– Improvement of the quality of life of the ones who suffer from bronchial asthma and other chronic lung diseases and in particular:
– helping and improving general human values;
– stimulating the initiative of the ones who suffer from asthma and also the activity to defend their rights in healthcare in European and world standards, to increase their health and civil culture;
– Improve their access to effective modern forms of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis;
– raising their consciousness to their rights and the resources for their assertion and protection;
-cooperation for an actual insurance of rights and restoring them if they are violated;
– attracting finances to help with qualified medical help and ensuring an actual health and drug information to poor people, alone or abandoned people;
– cooperation to solve the social and professional problems of those who suffer from bronchial asthma and other chronic illnesses;
– Stimulation of education and improve the qualifications of doctors of different specialties to improve the control and treatment of the bronchial asthma and other chronic lung illnesses;
– Cooperation with the state institutions to improve the regulations, health and drug policies when treating bronchial asthma and other chronic lung illnesses.