Bulgarian Association of Adoptive parents and Adopted- Sofia
Bulgarian association of adoptive parents and adopted is an association of adopted people and their parents-adopters. The association was created to provide professional help and social mutual aid to adoptive parents and the right revealing of the secrecy of adoption. It was also created to prevent leaving adopted children.
Основни цели на БАОО са:
The main purposes of BAAA are:
1. Development of the law, improvement of the legislation and practices in the Republic of Bulgaria concerning the secrecy of adoption and the right of knowing their biological origin;
2. Accepting the principle of revealing the secrecy of adoption to the adopted in a way, consistent to the principles of right and democratic country and protection of the personal rights;
3. Bringing up tolerant, welfare and civilized attitude in the society to the adopted and the adoptive;
4. Protection of the children’s rights and the members of their families and relatives, as well as the social integration of disadvantaged groups and people;
5. Превенция и борба с антисоциални прояви по отношение на осиновените и осиновителите и с последиците от неправилното разкриване на тайната на осиновяването;
5. Preventing and fighting the antisocial display to the adopted and the adoptive and the consequences of the incorrect revealing of the secrecy of adoption;
Phone Number: 0886751929; 0898536699