“Applied research and communication” Foundation- Sofia
“Applied research and communication” foundation (ARC) is a NGO, created in Sodia in 1991. Today it is one of the leading organizations in Bulgaria that works for the development of today’s society, based on knowledge, mastered the power of technolody and innovations. Since 2005 the foundation has been a partner of the European committee of “Safe internet” program and plays the role of a national Center of save Internet- Safenet.bg. It supports an on-line hotline for signals of illegal or harmful content in Internet- Web112.net, works and distributes materials about the protection of non-adults in the Internet, leads trainings of teachers and students in the sphere of safe Internet. In this activity the foundation cooperates with the relevant state institutions headed by MI and the Ministry of Education, with companies from IT sector and with other NGOs for cooperative activities for increasing the awareness for threats for children in the Internet and the ways to prevent them.