In 2021, National Network for Children celebrated 15 years of united efforts for a happy childhood. Over 76,000 families and more than 140,000 children a year are supported by our member organizations.
But unfortunately 2021 is another year:
- with no strategy for the child
- without a children’s hospital
- with empty schools
- and with over 400,000 children at risk of poverty
That is why we again had to fight every day and demand that the state take better care of our children.
For 2022 we wish the state to become a priority:
- children’s health and children’s hospital
- education and the return of all children to class
- sparing juvenile justice
We also wish every child to receive the care they need to grow up to be a full-fledged person!
May we have healthy and educated, free and happy children to build a better future!
To continue working and helping children and families in Bulgaria, be part of us and become a monthly donor to
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!