Thematic working groups “Education” and “Juvenile Justice” of National Network for Children were organized on February 19, 2015 in Veliko Tarnovo.
Host of the event was Center for Interethnic dialog and tolerance Amalipe. Over 40 representatives of NNC member organizations, local authorities and schools in Gorna Oriahovitsa and Pavlikeni participated. The meeting aimed to open space for discussion and to follow up the progress and development of key NNC themes of advocacy in the field of education and juvenile justice. The event generated opportunities to exchange experience and good practices, to create contacts and partnerships among member organizations.
Members of TWG “Education” discussed important subjects from the draft Law on pre-school and school education, among which early school specialization of pupils in “elite” classes, the proposed in draft law new school education structure, according to which 8th grade will become part of high-school educational stage, public financing of private schools, inclusive education and etc.
Members of TWG “Juvenile Justice” talked over the current situation of juvenile justice: Ministry of justice’s work to achieve common vision on necessary reforms together with civil society organizations, active institutional project under Swiss Cooperation Programme to pilot in practice specialized trial chambers, progress of different working groups and etc. JJ TWG work focused to make out several key activities, which are shared as priorities of National Network for Children, also regarded as an opportunity for more effective results in the context of prepared changes in the field of juvenile justice.
Professor Neli Petrova –Dimitrova from Social Activities and Practice Institute shared key subjects from the World Congress on Juvenile Justice, which was organized in January 2015. Over 15 representatives of non-government organizations and public institutions of Bulgaria participated in it.
The regional court of Veliko Tarnovo was visited within the framework of the JJTWG meeting. The participants became acquainted with the created cooperation on local level among International Social Service, Regional Court and Community Support Center under “Justice – friend of the child” project. The practice permits friendly participation of children in legal procedures during civil proceedings. For that purpose child friendly premises are created in the court’s building.