European Commission signed a partnership agreement with the Republic of Bulgaria, defining the strategy for optimal use of EU structural funds and investment in the country.
The agreement was signed on August 7, 2014 and it opens the way to a total investment of 7.6 billion. euros funding under the Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020 (in current prices, including funding for European Territorial Cooperation and funds for the initiative for youth employment). Bulgaria also received 2.3 billion. euros for rural areas and 88 million. euros for Fisheries and Maritime affairs.
The document was developed in dialogue with the broad participation of all partners – state Administration, regional and local authorities, economic and social partners, academia, a number of NGOs, the media and others.
National Network for Children participated in the working group for the development of the Partnership agreement and contributed to the texts of documents related to the status and measures to improve key areas related to children’s rights and welfare, such as education, health and deinstitutionalization.
EU investments will help in the fight against unemployment and contribute to increasing the competitiveness and economic growth by supporting innovation, training and education in cities and rural areas. With their help entrepreneurship, employment, social inclusion and health care for inclusive growth; research, innovation and investment for smart growth; connectivity and green economy for sustainable growth, good governance and access to quality public services will be encouraged.
Translator: Kristiyana Ognyanova, intern