The confluence of disability and juvenile justice has not been effectively investigated so far. Hence, the socio-medical committee of CNAPE, the French federation of associations for children, developed a reflection paper on this theme.
Key statistics:
Following a survey, CNAPE discovered some key statistics:
Out of 500 children and young people (14-20 years in the judicial protection):
• 43 % have health issues;
• 60 % consume cannabis;
• 7 % have a physical or mental disability;
• 40 % have been subjected to physical violence.
CNAPE in its reflection recognises the dangers of siloed approaches in child protection systems. It appeals for a multi-dimensional and transversal approach to child well-being wherein the best interest of the child are put front and centre by all actors.
Synthesis of the contribution of CNAPE in French (PDF, 323 KB)