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Report Card

Notebook – our assessment of the state for its care for children and families in Bulgaria

“The Notebook is an annual report of the National Network for Children, which we have been publishing since 2012. It assesses, as we do in schools, how the government and the administration have performed in their state commitments to children over the past year. The document presents a critical and independent civil society perspective on policies for children.

Each year, the “Notebook” brings together the efforts of many people – dozens of experts in the NYS Network as well as independent evaluators – all working with children and families in the country every day with the mission to make their lives better. The Expert Survey analyzes data from more than 25 national (state and municipal) institutions, as well as the opinions of thousands of children, youth and adults who give their personal assessments through surveys.

The expert report provides a real assessment of the situation in several areas: Child Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative Care, Child Protection from All Forms of Violence, Justice for Children, Early Childhood Development, Child Health, Education, Sport, Culture and Leisure и Child Participation. В някои области отчитаме напредък, в други – застой, а в трети регистрираме отслабена активност и дори негативни тенденции. Затова и “Бележник” ключва препоръки към институциите какви трябва да са следващите приоритети и какво да подобрят.