Being a foster parent is something that comes from the heart. It is easy to spend the training, but the real work begins when the child is placed in the family.
That is what Svetozar Rusev said – a foster parent and a representative of the National Association of Foster Care ( at a meeting between representatives of: the municipality, the project Foster care. Create the future, the media and NGOs in Stara Zagora.
He said he had become a foster parent after he and his wife saw a local advertising campaign. Now they are raising two children.
Most candidates do not completely realize what is to be a foster parent. They live with the awareness that they are adoptive parents. For many foster care is a shortcut to the adoption. Therefore,they imagine that they will get the perfect child. What they have to realize is that foster parents will be always the second one. Kids love us, but they love their biological parents, too (and there is nothing wrong), Rusev said.
Foster parents help the child, until he/she and his/her biological family are ready to assemble.
Photo: flickr/taschik