The activities aim at improving early diagnosis, strengthening integration of care, and outreach strategies in the community and in prison settings, and will draw on evidence and best practice from low- and high-incidence countries. They will furthermore strengthen national TB responses by supporting the development and implementation of national strategic plans and guidelines with a particular focus on improving the control of multi-drugresistant (MDR) TB and the implementation of evidence based, state of the art diagnostics and treatment options.
The action will facilitate collaboration amongst EU Member States particularly in relation to vulnerable groups including migrants, homeless, prisoners and people who inject drugs with a view to support access to and continuity of care. They will link to activities undertaken by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to address the TB situation in high incidence countries and the work on interventions for tuberculos is prevention and control in hard to reach and vulnerable populations.
Краен срок: 15 септември 2015 г. 17:00:00 (местно време Брюксел)