Call for proposal Early diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis
The activities will support the development of national hepatitis strategies, screening and treatment guidelines, taking into account available treatment options. It will help to bridge primary, secondary care, and outreach, in the community including prison health services, to facilitate access to and uptake of testing, vaccination and treatment services particularly among key risk groups including drug users, prisoners, homeless, men who have sex with men, sex workers and people living with HIV/AIDS. It will also assess the potentially considerable economic impact of available treatment, testing strategies and vaccination options on health systems, which are under the responsibility of the EU Member States, with a view to inform decisions on balancing access to medicines and vaccines with the financial sustainability of health systems.
They will build on work undertaken by the European Commission, the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, and the European Moni toring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction with the aim of reducing morbidity and mortality related to hepatitis B and C, and reducing new transmissions and the socioeconomic impact of hepatitis in the EU/EEA.
Краен срок: 15 септември 2015 г. 17:00:00 (местно време Брюксел)